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Valeters & Detailers
Independent service from the specialists at Coversure Swindon
Need a detailers or valeters insurance quote? The independent specialists at Coversure Swindon can provide cover for a wide range of risks, including public liability, service indemnity, employers' liability, damage to vehicles worked upon, tools and equipment in transit, motor trade road risks, and unit insurance. Whether you're part-time or full-time, from our bespoke valeting and detailing liability insurance to exclusive motor trade insurance, Coversure Swindon can offer you tailor-made protection, so start your quote today.

We're here to help
Contact us to get your Valeters & Detailers insurance quote
The Complete Detailing and Valeters Insurance Service
Coversure have an excellent knowledge of the valeting & detailing industry, understanding that valeting and detailing is a genuine business carried out by people who are passionate about their work with the core of their business relying on reputation, recommendation and repeat business.
We’ve been involved with the sector for many years, working closely with valeters, detailers, Detailing World, the PVD trade association and product manufacturers to understand your needs and develop bespoke and exclusive schemes specifically for the valeting and detailing industry.
Exclusive Valeters Insurance
We’ve worked closely with members of the valeting and detailing industry to create an exclusive liability insurance policy for valeters and detailers. With a choice of cover options, we can offer you:
- Business description of Vehicle Valeting & Detailing
- Available to new ventures with no previous experience provided there has been at least 1 year’s serious hobby valeting/detailing
- Public liability cover up to £5m
- Product liability cover up to £5m
- Optional Service Indemnity cover up to £5m
- Optional public liability for shows, exhibitions etc., with cover available up to £5m
- Optional employers’ liability £10m including temporary employee cover
- Cover applies in respect of “motor vehicles” and includes work on cars, vans, minibuses, HGVs, motorhomes, tractors, motorcycles etc.
- Includes cover for valeting/detailing trailers, static caravans and touring caravans
- In addition to mobile work, includes cover whilst working from home and/or a business premises
- £250 excess in respect of third-party property damage
- Optional “Damage to customer’s vehicles whilst being worked upon” up to an indemnity of £50k or £100k, subject to an excess of £500
- Optional products liability in respect of retailing (including online retailing) of valeting/detailing/car care products but excluding any goods for export or use in the United States or Canada
Option to include the activity of detailing tuition (excluding profession risks – i.e. any injury, loss or damage as a result of the advice given)
Cover Option Summary
Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | |
Public & Products Liability | £2m | £1m | £1m | £1m |
Servicing Indemnity | £2m | £1m | £1m | x |
Employers Liability £10m | optional | optional | optional | optional |
Damage to Vehicles Being Worked Upon | £100,000 | £50,000 | x | x |
Public Liability to attend Shows & Exhibitions | £2m | £1m | x | x |
Products Liability (Retailing including Online) | £2m | x | x | x |
Public Liability (Detailing Tuition) | £2m | x | x | x |
Coversure Swindon's Valeters & Detailers Insurance explained
What’s Not Included In Valeters Insurance?
Please contact Coversure Swindon for a copy of the policy booklet for full details of the policy conditions and exclusions, but please note the following which apply specifically to this scheme:
- Excludes the use of heat (however, hot air guns for the removal of vinyl graphics etc. are acceptable at normal terms)
- Excludes any process of cleaning/use of chemicals other than in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions or recommendations as to use
- Excludes the movement of motor vehicles
- Excludes boats, although these may be considered on referral
- Excludes aircraft/airports
- Communicable disease exclusion
Damage to Vehicles Worked Upon
Liability policies normally carry a specific exclusion about defective workmanship, therefore they will not cover damage to a vehicle whilst you are working upon it, such as buffer hop with a polisher resulting in dents in a bonnet or burning through paint. However, our gold and platinum covers provide an extension which will cover any accidental damage to a customer’s vehicle in the Insured’s custody or control whilst being worked upon up to an indemnity limit (claims cost) of either £50,000 or £100,000. An excess of £500 applies to claims. Selecting this cover provides an added peace of mind should something go wrong and give reassurance to your customer that you have cover in place should you damage their vehicle.
Service Indemnity
This indemnifies the policyholder against the consequential injury, loss or damage as a result of the servicing or upkeep of a vehicle. An example of this would be not tightening up wheel nuts properly after a “wheels off” detail, where a customer drives off, wheel falls off, car crashes etc. and the policyholder’s legal liability in respect of any resultant damage or injury will be indemnified. Another example would be overspill of tyre shine on brake discs causing the brakes to fail. Our Silver, Gold and Platinum options include this cover.
Goods in Transit
If you deliver goods to your customers, then goods in transit insurance is a good policy element to have in place. This will protect the stock you are travelling with from theft, loss, or damage while you, or your drivers and their deliveries, are on the road
Product liability
Did you know that if the products you use, recommend, or sell cause problems, you can be liable for damages? Products are central to your business, and if something goes wrong, you can be liable for claims and compensation. Should this happen to you, product liability insurance covers the costs of any compensation you are made to pay, together with the legal fees
Employers’ liability
This is a legal requirement if you employ people. It provides cover in the event of your employee injuring themselves or if their property is damaged while at work. The law says that if you employ at least one person, you must have employers’ liability insurance (sometimes called ‘E.L. insurance’) to protect your employees in case they are injured or become ill as a result of working for you. Your policy must:
- Cover you for at least £5 million
- Be with an authorised insurer
- And employers must provide a safe working environment
For Event Security it’s important to check the requirements of your policy. Some policies insist on every steward requiring a minimum of Level 2 NVQ in Spectator Safety. This can be challenging in certain circumstances. Coversure has the capacity to offer policies that do not stipulate this.
Public Liability
Provides cover should a member of the public injure themselves or if their property is damaged while you are working. It covers the cost of claims made by members of the public for incidents that occur in connection to your business’s activities, for example if they slip on the floor and decide to sue you, you’ll be covered.
Cover of up to £10 million can be offered under certain circumstances as many organisations are now requesting this amount as a minimum level of indemnity.
Motor Trade Insurance
As a valeter or detailer, there may be times when you need to drive or move a customer’s vehicle. If so, a comprehensive motor trade road risks insurance policy from Coversure will meet the legal requirements to drive on the road and covers your customer’s vehicle against loss or damage, such as a collision or accident. This flexible policy can include your own business vehicles and personally owned vehicles for use in connection with your valeting/detailing business and for personal use.
Do You Need Motor Trade Cover?
While you may feel that motor trade road risks insurance is not a requirement for your business as you do not drive or move customers’ vehicles, there are instances where you may be liable for vehicles without realising it.
For example, if you work from home or from a business premises, you have a legal duty to keep customers’ vehicles safe from harm and you will be responsible should an incident occur such as a fire or theft. Motor trade road risks insurance can be extended to include cover for your customer’s vehicles in your care at your home or business premises.
Exclusive Motor Trade Policy
Coversure Swindon have exclusive arrangements with our insurers, and we can offer you a range of cover options. These include protection for valeters who mainly work with everyday vehicles to valeters and detailers specialising in higher end vehicles, with generous customer vehicle value limits up to £100,000. Cover is suitable for mobile, home-based and unit based valeters and detailers.
New Ventures Welcome
A new start-up valeting or detailing business may have trouble finding suitable motor trade insurance, but we can provide cover for most new ventures and consider private car or commercial vehicle no claims bonus to help keep the premium down. If you’d like to know more, please call us on 01793 352017 .
Commercial Combined Unit Insurance
If you operate your detailers or valeters business from a unit, then a commercial combined insurance policy will provide valuable protection for your business assets. This flexible, comprehensive policy can give you cover for your tools, stock, and equipment against, fire, theft, and other damage. We can tailor it to suit your needs with options to include things such as:
- Tools
- Portable power tools (polishers etc.)
- Diagnostic equipment (paint depth gauges, gloss meters)
- Portable equipment (pressure washers, vacuums, lighting)
- Fixed equipment (vehicle ramps/lifting tables)
- General contents
- Stock
- Tenants’ improvements and internal decorations (including fixed lighting)
- Loss of profits (in the event of an insured peril)
There may be occasions where a motor trade road risks policy may be not feasible, such as due to age or affordability. In these instances, cover under a commercial combined policy can be extended to include customer’s vehicles whilst in your care, again with generous individual vehicle limits up to £100,000.
The best way to find out how much protection you need is to contact Coversure Swindon. They’ll be able to advise you as to what you need and create a package of valeters cover for you.
Valeters & Detailers Insurance FAQ
Valeters insurance is a complex area of cover, so to help you get the protection you need, here is Coversure’s valeters insurance frequently asked questions. We hope they will be useful, but if you’d like personalised independent advice, contact Coversure Swindon.
Who needs valeters insurance?
Full-time and part-time valeters and detailers can benefit from this cover.
What can a valeters and detailers insurance policy cover?
Cover through Coversure can cover a wide range of risks, including your tools and equipment, damage to vehicles worked upon, your public liability, goods in transit, and business interruption
How can I get a valeters insurance quote?
Getting a quote is easy; call Coversure on 01793 352017 or start your valeters insurance quote here
Need a Valeters & Detailers Insurance quote?
If you’d like a Valeters & Detailers Insurance quote from Coversure, please contact Coversure Swindon. Our independent brokers will search their markets to find you the right policy at the right price to keep your business protected.
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* Policy information is correct at the time of writing. Policy details, limits, and exclusions are subject to insurer’ changes. When taking out a policy, your local Coversure office will be able to advise you of the specifics of your cover.