Coversure Hull News | Diploma In Insurance | Coversure

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Coversure’s Andy Price Awarded Diploma In Insurance

Coversure Hull’s Managing Director Awarded Diploma In Insurance

We are delighted to announce that the founder and Managing Director of Coversure Hull, Andy Price, has gained his Diploma In Insurance (Dip. CII) from the Chartered Insurance Institute.  Andy earned his Diploma after undertaking over 500 hours of independent study across important topics such as insurance law, liability insurance, commercial property insurance, business interruption insurance, and the fundamentals of risk management. The Diploma builds on the knowledge Andy gained while studying for his Certificate In Insurance (Cert. CII) leaving him even better equipped to deal with the challenges his customers face in the fast-changing worlds of property, business, and fleet insurance.

The Diploma In Insurance: ‘An investment in my customers’ futures’

Commenting on his latest success, Andy said:

‘I think it’s vitally important to stay up to date with what’s happening in the industry and taking my Diploma In Insurance has helped me to do that.  Insurance broking is a knowledge-based service and my customers – be they fleet owners, landlords, small business owners, or those working in construction – rely on me to know the risks and how I can protect their interests.  As the world moves on and things like AI become mainstream, the threats to business, property, and people change and I want to know I can continue to offer a great service to them.  The Diploma was a lot of work, but it was worthwhile, and I see it as an investment in my customers’ futures as I can offer them even better service and protection.

Next Stop: The Advanced Diploma In Insurance

Andy now plans to study for his Advanced Diploma in Insurance. The program involves a mammoth 660 hours of study, a dissertation, and lengthy examinations.  Courses such as insurance corporate management will facilitate Andy’s ambitious growth plans for his business. We wish him well and look forward to seeing him add ACII after his name.

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Kingston House, 13 Bond Street, Hull, HU1 3EN

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